Sovershayte bezopasnyye onlayn-platezhi pryamo s telefona, ispol'zuya bankovskoye prilozheniye:

A) My ispol'zuyem bankovskiy perevod v kachestve osnovnogo sposoba oplaty, poskol'ku nashimi kliyentami obychno yavlyayutsya kompanii-resellery (a ne chastnyye litsa), kotoryye pokupayut bol'shiye partii velosipedov. Takiye krupnyye summy deneg mozhno perevesti v lyubuyu tochku mira tol'ko posredstvom bankovskogo perevoda!

- Raskhody dlya nas kak kompanii pri oplate cherez kreditnyye karty/Paypal sostavlyayut do 5% ot stoimosti., i u nas takzhe yest' velosipedy na prodazhu po tsene do 11000 yevro/yedinitsa. Eti nenuzhnyye nalogi uvelichat konechnuyu tsenu produkta. My khotim predlozhit' samuyu nizkuyu tsenu dlya nashikh postoyannykh kliyentov!

- Takzhe, vse nashi tseny vklyuchayut NDS (eto 21% v Ispanii) i pri vystavlenii scheta kompanii, Yevropeyskoye zakonodatel'stvo razreshayet prodazhu bez NDS. Eto nevozmozhno sdelat' s pomoshch'yu kreditnykh kart/Paypal.

Lyuboye platezhnoye programmnoye obespecheniye v mire, prinimayushcheye platezhi po kartam, privyazano k bankovskomu schetu...prosto kliyentam gorazdo proshche vvodit' dannyye svoyey lichnoy karty na sayte. (my ne rekomenduyem etogo, tak kak eti dannyye mogut byt' legko ukradeny)

Nashi bankovskiye rekvizity zaregistrirovany v Ispanii na nazvaniye kompanii (ENERGY BIKES BICICLETAS S.L.), a ne na fizicheskoye litso!

My khotim predlozhit' nashim kliyentam luchshiye tseny, poetomu rabotayem napryamuyu s velosipednymi zavodami po vsemu miru!


B) Yesli vy khotite oplatit' s pomoshch'yu kreditnoy karty, vam nuzhno ispol'zovat' prilozheniye Wise:

1) Skachat' Wise ot Google Play/App Store ili

2) Oformite zakaz na nashem sayte, ispol'zuya osnovnoy sposob oplaty! (bankovskim perevodom)

Posle etogo, Vy poluchite nashi bankovskiye rekvizity, neobkhodimyye dlya zaversheniya platezha cherez Wise:

- sozdayte svoy lichnyy akkaunt na Wise.

- nazhmite na ''Otpravit' den'gi seychas''

- vvedite tochnuyu summu, kotoruyu neobkhodimo otpravit' v yevro.

- Vyberite oplatu kreditnoy kartoy.

- Zavershite peredachu.

Posle togo, kak vy proverili i podtverdili perevod deneg, Wise perevedet nam den'gi na nash bankovskiy schet. Srazu posle postupleniya deneg na nash bankovskiy schet my nachnem otpravku.

Takim obrazom, sbory budete oplachivat' vy!


--- ENGLISH Language ---

   Pay securely online directly from your phone using your banking application:

A) We use the bank transfer service as the main payment method because our clients are usually Resellers companies (not individuals) who buy lots of bicycles. These large sums of money are transferred anywhere in the world only via Bank Transfer!

- The costs for us as a company for payments made through Credit Cards/Paypal are up to 5% of the value, and we also have bicycles for sale with prices up to 11000 euros/unit. These unnecessary taxes would increase the final price of the product. We want to offer the lowest price for our loyal customers! 

- Also, all our prices include VAT (this is 21% in Spain) and when invoicing for a company, European legislation allows selling without VAT. This cannot be done through Credit Cards/Paypal.

Any Payment Software in the world that accepts card payments is linked to the bank's just that it's much easier for the customers to enter their personal card details on the website. (we do not recommend it because this data can be easily stolen)

Our Bank Details is registered in Spain on the Business Name (ENERGY BIKES BICICLETAS S.L.), not Individual!

We want to offer our customers the best prices, that's why we work directly with bicycle factories all over the world!


B) If you want to pay using your credit card, you need use the application Wise:

1) Download Wise from Google Play/App Store or

2) Finish the order on our website using the main payment method! (by Bank Transfer)

After that, you will receive Our Bank Details necessary to complete the payment by Wise:

- create your Personal account on Wise.

- click on ''Send money now''

- insert the exact amount that must sent in Euro.

- Select to Pay by credit card.

- Finish the transfer.

After you have verified and confirmed the transfer of money, Wise will send us the money in our bank account. Immediately after we received the money in our bank account, we will start the shipping.

In this way, the fees will be paid by you!